Strider Arekksu
JoinedTopics Started by Strider Arekksu
Peace and security..WHY in the heck does Jah intervene then?
by Botzwana inaccording to witness theology when the cry of peace and security rings out then jehovah will destroy all the infidels etc...yawn....but going by their teachings...why would he intervene then?
when man finally gets it right, does he have to come in and whomp ass?
makes no frickin sense to me.
Something is wrong with my dad...
by Strider Arekksu ini keep prooving to my dad how fucked up this religion is, how it lies, and how it is willing to call jesus and the prohets liars if it comes down to the wire to justify it's existance as a religion.
the only thing i did not show him is the faulty logic that is used in their litaruature.. sometimes he starts getting it and trying to listen, but if i don't say anything to him for a long time, and go off and do my own thing (studying by myself for a couple months), i come back and he'll be back to complete brainwash mode.
and the sad thing is he does not go to the meetings, and when he did (very rarely) i'd go and prove to him how the organization is wrong!
are you glad to be done with this type of insanity (taken from yahoo e-mail group)
by booby infriends,.
i've been doing research and can find almost nothing on this in the research aids.. my question is this.
at the end of the system, the calamity of the coming destruction will be enough to destroy most of the life on this planet.
Service is mathematically and logically pointless.
by confliction inso, i was thinking today about the point of service, other than the proclamations the king and his kingdom (bs :p ) and i kind of had an epiphany... but i'm sure somebody has already thought of this.
first, for people who never hear the 'truth', or never come to a true accurate understanding of it, they will most likely have odds in favor of them surviving into the paradise earth to get a second chance.
let's say the odds are 99% survival.. .
I don't know what made be buy the Universal Sovereignty argument for the permission of evil
by gubberningbody in...but it seems foundational to any intelligent investing in a religion.. i you can't provide a morally upright reason for the permission of evil without just having the deity pull rank and declare himself righteous, then i'm not really interested in hearing any more.. were i to listen, it would be out of morbid curiosity, not out of any intent to invest..
The New Jeremiah Book
by zoiks inmy mother-in-law just got back from her convention and gave us the new releases, this jeremiah book included.
just a quick scan of it has revealed a few gems.. first of all, there is a chapter entitled, "you can benefit from the new covenant" (italics theirs).
i am not a christian, but i understand the beef that many will have with this entire chapter.
How does the WTS understand this? (SERIOSULY NEED REPLIES)
by Strider Arekksu inhey, i'm trying to figure out how the wts concluded that the children of isreal were cast off.
it's hard to explain to people who beleive that this org came from god is true, when in fact it has teachings that can get people killed if i'm understanding correctly.
it is hard to get them to understand that teaching this is fufilling a prophecy that proves that the org is part of false religion.. there are so many verses that obviously prove this to be a lie and explain why it is a lie.. luke 4:18. matthew 10: 5-12. isaiah 11:11. levitcus 26:44, 45. isaiah 49: 14, 15. romans 11: 1, 2. romans 11: 25, 26. john 4: 22. now i know all organizations that are religious says that outside their religion everything is satan.
What are the chances...
by Strider Arekksu intalked to some elders about my doubts, actually confimation that the wts bible logic was extremely flawed.
wanted me to think it over, but i said i was admant about what i felt and would be crazy to deny it.
it's been about a month sense i last went... due to more important things in my life, however, my dad is being an idiot and wants to still go to determine if they are true or not even though i already gave him enough proof that they are a joke, he keeps using the excuse of "if they teach the people good habits it can't be all bad.
a potentially interesting JW experiment
by poor places inso it would be pretty interesting if someone got df'd at an early age--20 or 30 or so--and kept attending meetings for the rest of his or her life without getting reinstated.
imagine jws in the presence of a df'd person for sixty years, without acknowledging the person's existence.
they'd watch the person grow older and more feeble, and all the while they'd believe that the person is going to die because of the d'fing.
Is there some reason for this?
by Strider Arekksu inso i was talking to my freind last night, told him to read revelation chapter 11 past the part describing god's two witnesses for our time period before "the end".
these two prophets will have powers and will obivously be from god, i'm sure they'll be boradcasted on the news and what not, but i asked my friend if these (what i like to call) "super prophets", will be on the scene later, why in the heck would god use a crappy orgnaization that can't get any predicitons or interpretations right as a witness for him?
it's a damn joke, and you would have to be an idiot to not understand that this is a fake, a phony.